Stefanie Gierszewski
Dr. rer. nat.
Please get in touch if you would like pdf copies of any of the publications below.
° indicates students under my supervision or co-supervision
Special Issue “Computer Animations and Virtual Reality in Animal Behavior Research”
in Current Zoology (Volume 63, Issue 1). Guest edited by Klaudia Witte, Stefanie Gierszewski
and Laura Chouinard-Thuly. For this, I also designed the cover image.
Available at:
Invited article published in Journal of Visualized Experiments (2018) 141: e58435.
Available at:
[8] Müller K, Hütwohl JM, Gierszewski S, Witte K, Kuhnert KD (2018) Fish Motion Capture with Refraction Synthesis. Computer Science Research Notes CSRN 2802. Available at:
[7] Gierszewski S, Keil M°, Witte K (2018) Mate-choice copying in sailfin molly females: public information use from long-distance interactions. Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology 72: 26. Available at:
A contribution to the Topical Collection "From sensory perception to behavior". Guest edited by Theo C. M. Bakker,
Horst Bleckmann, Joachim Mogdans, Vera Schlüssel.
[6] Witte K, Gierszewski S, Chouinard-Thuly L (2017) Editorial: Virtual is the new reality. Current Zoology 63 (1): 1-4.
Available at:
[5] Chouinard-Thuly L*, Gierszewski S*, Rosenthal G, Reader SM, Rieucau G, Woo KL, Gerlai R, Tedore C, Ingley SJ, Stowers J, Frommen JG, Dolins FL & Witte K (2017) Technical and conceptual considerations for using animated stimuli in studies of animal behavior. Current Zoology 63 (1): 5-19. [*Equal contribution] Available at:
[4] Gierszewski S, Müller K, Smielik I, Hütwohl JM, Kuhnert KD, Witte K (2017) The virtual lover: variable and easily guided 3D fish animations as an innovative tool in mate-choice experiments with sailfin mollies - II. Validation. Current Zoology 63 (1): 65-74. Available at:
[3] Müller K, Smielik I, Hütwohl JM, Gierszewski S, Witte K, Kuhnert KD (2017) The virtual lover: variable and easily guided 3D fish animations as innovative tool in mate-choice experiments with sailfin mollies - I. Design and implementation. Current Zoology 63 (1): 55-64. Available at:
[2] Müller K, Gierszewski S, Witte K, Kuhnert KD (2016). Where is my mate? - Real-time 3-D fish tracking for interactive mate-choice experiments. ICPR 2016 – 23rd International Conference on Pattern Recognition; VAIB 2016, Conference Proceedings. Available at:
[1] Gierszewski S, Bleckmann H, Schluessel V (2013) Cognitive Abilities in Malawi Cichlids (Pseudotropheus sp.): Matching-to-Sample and Image/Mirror-Image Discriminations. PLoS ONE 8(2): e57363.
Available at:
Gierszewski S (2020) Virtual Fish for Real Science - Investigating the role of public information content for mate-choice copying in the sailfin molly (Poecilia latipinna) using live fish and computer-animated fish stimuli. Dissertation. University of Siegen, Germany. Available at:
Gierszewski S (2012) Cognitive Abilities in Malawi Cichlids (Pseudotropheus sp.): Matching-to-Sample and Image/Mirror-Image Discriminations. Diploma Thesis. Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-University Bonn, Germany
[12] Gierszewski S (2020) Virtual Fish for Real Science - Neue Erkenntnisse zum Kopieren der Partnerwahl beim Breitflossen-kärpfling (Poecilia latipinna) durch den Einsatz computer-animierter Fisch-Stimuli. Invited talk at the Department of Neuro-ethology - Sensory Ecology at University of Bonn, Germany
[11] Gierszewski S (2019) Virtual Fish for Real Science - Manipulation of public information in the context of mate choice in sailfin mollies. Invited talk at the IGB Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries in Berlin, Germany
[10] Gierszewski S, Baker D°, Müller K, Hütwohl JM, Kuhnert KD, Witte K (2017) Einfluss des Trächtigkeitsflecks auf das Kopieren der Partnerwahl beim Breitflossenkärpfling (Poecilia latipinna): eine Studie mit FishSim. 14th Annual Meeting of the German Ichthyological Society in Bonn, Germany [Talk]
[9] Gierszewski S (2017) Virtuelle Fische im Dienst der Forschung: Neue Möglichkeiten zur Erforschung des Kopierens der Partnerwahl beim Breitflossenkärpfling (Poecilia latipinna). PhD Student Colloquium of the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Siegen, Germany [Talk]
[8] Ahmad SB°, Gierszewski S, Witte K. 2017. More action with interaction? Annual Meeting of the German Ethological Society in Bonn, Germany [Poster]
[7] Gierszewski S, Keil M°, Witte K (2017) Long-distance relationships in mollies: the use of public information in mate choice is not affected by distance. Annual Meeting of the German Ethological Society in Bonn, Germany [Talk]
[6] Gierszewski S, Müller K, Hütwohl JM, Kuhnert KD, Witte K (2016) Check-up for the virtual lover. ISBE 2016 in Exeter, UK / Annual Meeting of the DZG in Kiel, Germany [Poster]
[5] Gierszewski S, Müller K, Hütwohl JM, Smielik I, Kuhnert KD, Witte K (2015) Das Versuchstier der Zukunft? – Einsatzmöglichkeiten virtueller Fischmodelle in Partnerwahlexperimenten mit Breitflossenkärpflingen (Poecilia latipinna). 12th Annual Meeting of the German Ichthyological Society in Berlin, Germany [Talk]
[4] Gierszewski S, Müller K, Hütwohl JM, Kuhnert KD, Witte K (2015) Validation of a virtual 3D fish model for studying mate-choice copying in sailfin mollies, Poecilia latipinna. 34th International Ethological Conference in Cairns, Australia [Talk]
[1, 2, 3] Gierszewski S, Müller K, Kuhnert KD, Witte K (2014) The virtual Lover – Do real fish interact with 3D fish in questions of mate-choice? ISBE 2014 in New York City, USA / 6th Conference of Poeciliid Biologists in Exeter, UK / Annual Meeting of the DZG in Göttingen, Germany [Poster]